Dear colleagues and friends,
It is my honour, privilege and pleasure to invite you to the upcoming WFNS 2019 International Meeting in Belgrade, Serbia, on March 21-24, 2019.
Hosted by the Serbian Neurosurgical Society (SNSS) and the Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINch), in conjunction with the Southeast Europe Neurosurgical Society (SeENS), the WFNS 2019 International Meeting will bring together leading experts who share the vision of “one world, one neurosurgery”. The main topics to be explored include neuro-oncology, neurovascular, neurotrauma & intensive care, spine & peripheral nerve, pediatrics, functional & stereotactic neurosurgery, with the aim of highlighting the state-of-the-art advances and challenges in the field.
The opportunity to hold this event of utmost scientific and social importance in Belgrade is a special honour for the neurosurgical community in Serbia and a much-appreciated acknowledgement of the enhanced regional and international cooperation fostered by the Serbian Neurosurgical Society and the Southeast Europe Neurosurgical Society over the past years. We are delighted to be able to co-host it together with the Italian Society of Neurosurgery, thus reaffirming our strong and long-lasting professional and personal links with neurosurgeons from Italy.
“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding”, said the great Leonardo da Vinci. We are convinced that the upcoming WFNS 2019 International Meeting in Belgrade will enrich us all with the joy of understanding – in terms of pushing the boundaries of both knowledge and friendship.
Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, at the crossroads between East and West, South and North, is a vibrant city widely reputed for its open heart and mind. Over recent years, it has also proved to be a welcoming host city of a number of international neurosurgical gatherings, and we will do our best to make the WFNS 2019 International Meeting in Belgrade a particularly memorable and inspiring intellectual and social experience.
Prof. Dr. Lukas Rasulic, Serbia Co-President of the Meeting SNSS President SeENS President |
Dear colleagues,
It is my great pleasure to announce, on behalf of ITALIAN Society of Neurosurgery (SINCH), the WFNS 2019 International Meeting to be held in Belgrade, Serbia, from March 21st to 24th, 2019, organized with the Serbian Neurosurgical Society (SNSS) in collaboration with the Southeast Europe Neurosurgical Society (SeENS).
Today the exchange of information and the profession updating via Web has become a daily reality, but it is precisely the opportunity for direct confrontation, the construction of fruitful relationships and useful exchanges with colleagues, the comparison and joint verification of results, that project us on a wider scene, facing an international panorama of world experts. This meeting is focused on balancing the experience of young colleagues together with the experts.
All of us have to deal with cases of increasing complexity for which often we have no certain answers and we find ourselves constantly challenged by difficult and complex clinical choices. The opportunity to confront the experts from different countries, will widen the horizon of the younger, while older colleagues will receive the due recognition. But above all it is for everyone an important and instructive moment of professional growth, where competence, experience, preparation and skills always remain a strong drive for all of us.
It is really an important moment that sees the Serbian, Italian and South-Eastern European neurosurgical societies, under the aegis of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), committed to sharing all the information and the most advanced resources in training, technology and the practice of neurosurgery.
As a president of the Italian Neurosurgical Society, it is a great honor for me to have the opportunity to share with Serbian colleagues the organization of this meeting and as a neurosurgeon, committed every day in the surgery room, I am sure that this will be a great opportunity to learn.
Prof. Dr. Marco Cenzato, Italy
Co-President of the Meeting
President of the Italian Society of Neurosurgery |
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The World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies represents more than 120 societies all around the world. There are disparities to access to neurosurgical care (see our site www.wfns.org) with areas with more and areas with much less Neurosurgeons. The quality of care does not only depend on the available workforce but also from the level of training and from the available resources and devices both pre, intra and post operatively .
Improving Neurosurgeons education with a special focus on young Neurosurgeons is the main target of the WFNS. We are working to have on line course, hands on and live surgery workshops and of course frontal education.
The WORLD Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) organizes different types of Meeting: the World Congress, the Interim Meeting and International Meetings. Instead of a Presidential Meeting in Italy we have decided to collaborate with our Serbian Colleagues which are famous for a high level of scientific programme and a wonderful hospitality. In Belgrade the event is organized by the Serbian, Italian, and South East European Society.
As you see from the programme, the organizing and scientific committees are shared by Serbian, South East and Italian Neurosurgeons with a true believe that “working together is much better” .
During the Meeting we will have many sessions on education and practical courses , the best target for young neurosurgeons from the East European area.
Furthermore we will try to provide scholarships for young Neurosurgeons from countries with limited facilities to encourage their participation to the meeting
I welcome all of you in Belgrade for an unforgettable Meeting and a beautiful networking experience.
Prof. Dr. Franco Servadei, Italy
President WFNS
Past President SINch
Honorary President of the Meeting |
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The WFNS 2019 International Meeting, which will be held in Belgrade on March 21-24, 2019, is expected to be a memorable scientific and networking event!
I have the great honor, as Co-President, to serve this important event which will represent a novelty in the European Neurosurgical Scenario as a result of an exciting and renewed synergy between Serbian, Italian and South east European Neurosurgical Societies.
There is to some extent a common ancient history between Italy and Serbia, named Moesia Superior in the Roman era lasting about 400 years. It was the birthplace of seventeen Roman Emperors, including Constantine the Great. There is evidence of this Roman presence in some archeological sites as Palace of Galerius, Gamzigrad-Romuliana, inscribed in UNESCO’s world heritage list.
It is noteworthy that the President of WFNS has approved this joint project in order to have an high standing Neurosurgical platform where these Societies will share the latest advances with the global Neurosurgical community!
This event witnesses that the relationships between Serbian, Italian and South eastern Neurosurgery were strengthened in recent years and their role was growing up in the EANS as well in the WFNS initiatives.
All these scientific organizations are working hard to join the best resources and promote the most advanced opportunities in the area of Education, Research and Care in order to benefit patients worldwide!
Belgrade, with its great neurosurgical tradition and its geographical position of cultural connection between East and West, is an ideal venue for this Meeting. This will open new perspectives in sharing neurosurgical knowledge and meeting the healthcare demands in different settings.
I would like to emphasize the educational impact of the pre-meeting Courses with learning objectives which will be fulfilling the expectations of the young Neurosurgeons and even more the Mission of WFNS.
I had the privilege to appreciate the warm hospitality of Belgrade Neurosurgical Team since the time of my participation at the first SeENS Congress. I am absolutely confident that colleagues and friends will find the nice atmosfere I always appreciated in Belgrade!
Definitely, there are all the ingredients to make the WFNS 2019 International Meeting as an exciting and unforgettable event!
Prof. Dr. Francesco Tomasello, Italy
WFNS Honorary President
Honorary President of the Meeting
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It is with great pleasure to announce the forthcoming WFNS 2019 International Meeting – hosted by Serbian Neurosurgical Society (SNSS), Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINch), and Southeast Europe Neurosurgical Society (SeENS)- to be held in Belgrade in March 21-23, 2019.
On behalf of SINch, I would like to kindly invite you to participate to this extraordinary event; this time the congress will feature an incredible exchange of scientific information at the highest level and will provide a glimpse over the most advanced neurosurgical treatments and care along with recent innovations. This sounds timely for the modern neurosurgical scenario, boosted by easier diffusion of ideas and methods throughout the new technologies. Innovation is the key for progress and no doubt that neurosurgery fits this requirement.
This Congress is going to take place in the “white city”, the scientific and multicultural capital of Serbia. This city is an emblematic example of optimization of results, through perseverance and devotion for working. All of us are strongly tied to the Belgrade group, and the past, present and future collaborations remain dedicated to build bridges of knowledge and experience for keeping a scientific, professional, academic and social networking.
I trust in the Serbian hospitality and in our friendship for having a memorable social and scientific moment.
Thank you.
Prof. Dr. Paolo Cappabianca, Italy
SINCH Secretary
Honorary President of the Meeting
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Dear Colleagues, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my great pleasure and honor to announce and invite You to the WFNS 2019 International meeting, hosted by Serbian Neurosurgical Society(SNSS), Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINch) in conjunction with the Southeast Europe Neurosurgical Society (SeENS) and taking place in Belgrade,Serbia, on March 21st -24th 2019.
The Southeast Europe Neurosurgical Society (SeENS, www.seens.eu) has beenfounded in 2012. In a 5 years period (2012-2017) SeENS has become anaffiliated member of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies(EANS) and full member of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies(WFNS). SeENS has succeeded to rebuilt liasons and to make new once after aperiod of almost 20 years of poor communication between colleagues in the SEEurope region. Currently SeENS is gathering neurosurgeons from 14 countries of the Southeast Europe region and Turkey. SeENS is recognized as a very active Society organizing or co-organizing up to 10 events each year.
Co-organizing the WFNS International meeting represents a great honor and privilegee for our Society, but also highlights the confidence of WFNS in our society being able to participate in organization of such an important event.Concerning the attractiveness of invited speakers at this WFNS International meeting we expect a strong academic and high social level event.
This Meeting will have the patronage and support of all important State andAcademic Institutions of Republic of Serbia.
It is my great honor to invite You to participate at this WFNS Internationalmeeting and to discover and enjoy the beautiful city of Belgrade, capital ofSerbia, the only European city built on the confluence of two great rivers, a citythat «never sleeps».
I cordially invite You to Belgrade, Serbia to experience and share noteworthyscientific and social moments during the WFNS International meeting 2019.
Prof. Dr. Kresimir Rotim, Croatia
SeENS Honorary President
Honorary President of the Meeting
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